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Mountain Level

  1. Entrance area + shop
  2. Museum entrance
  3. The strange man in the mountain
  4. The forest fairy “Florauna”
  5. Magic passageway
  6. Mountain hideaway
  7. Enchanted tree
  8. The story of Hochgosch
  9. Tree trunk cave
  10. Cave of the giant
  11. VW-Beetle drive
  12. Maierbrugger audio station
  13. Lindwurm movie
  14. Lindwurm as landmark


Sagamundo Berg-Ebene

Get to know the goblin Hermelin and the forest fairy Florauna…

Inside the mystical world mountain Mirnock, you will meet the goblin Hermelin and the forest fairy Florauna, who tells you stories at the audio stations. You will also meet the Mirnock giant on your travels.

Let yourself be surprised by the effect stations and discover a VW Beetle souvenir for Matthias Maierbrugger, the local myth author – at the heart of the house.

Overview Mountain Level